
How To Create A Social Media Strategy ?

A Social Media Strategy

Let us create A Social Media Strategy

What is a strategy?
a tall level arrange to realize one or more objectives beneath conditions of uncertainty.

What is strategic management?
Strategic management includes the definition and execution of the major objectives and activities, based on thought of:
– Resources
– The internal and external environments
– Analyze internal and external factors.
– Define channels, budget, and team.
– Set clear goals.
Set clear metrics.
– Follow up.
In any Social Media Strategy
– Answer the 4 major questions :
What are we doing now?
What do we want to do?
How are we going to do it?
Did we do it or not?
– Analyze internal and external factors to understand the current status through:
Brand 7Ps:
Strengths and weaknesses.
PESTEL / Porter’s 5 Forces:
Threats and Opportunities.

Let us create A Social Media Strategy

How are you going to achieve the set goals?

The method you are going to set determines the type of marketing:
Digital -Online -Social Media -Affiliate -Social Networks -Search Engine Marketing -Email marketing -Mobile -Devices -Offline.

Who is setting the budget?
Your Boss.

How will you set the budget?
– Performance marketing.
– Experience.

Whom do you need to perform marketing?
-Set clear goals. These goals should have clear impact on your brand after your marketing activities.

Marketing goals should be SMART:
Specific -Measurable – Attainable – Time – People – Budget – Relevant

Make sure the how is matching your resources.
Assign for each how:
Who is going for it?
When he/she/it should deliver?

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Nahr Dev
Nahr Dev