
Simple Tips on eCommerce Web Design Part 1: Evaluation

In the past, a website was enough to establish your business in the market. As long as you had a functional website, you were already ahead of the game. 

However, in today’s digital world, the marketing landscape has changed dramatically. It’s not enough to have a website. You need a strategy, marketing tools, and more. One thing that stays the same is how vital your website is to your company’s growth. Your eCommerce web design affects user experience and, in turn, your overall sales and reputation. 

It represents your brand to millions of people worldwide. Unlike a physical store, websites are easier to manage. What you must do differently is to constantly evaluate the website to improve performance and enhance user experience. 

There are a few factors you must consider when evaluating your eCommerce website:

  • Content
  • User experience (UX) elements
  • Advertising channels
  • Authoritativeness
  • Key performance indicators (KPI)

To ensure that all your boxes are ticked, here’s what you need to do:

1. Create a Simple Rating System

There are so many moving parts to your website. Trying to take stock of everything can be overwhelming, let alone figuring out how well it’s performing. What you can do is assign a simple rating system to each aspect of your eCommerce web design. This will give you a better idea of where your website might be facing some issues and how you can improve it. 

There are two general areas you can categorize each aspect into function and creatives. 

Your website should be fast, responsive, above all, easy to navigate. User-friendliness involves everything a customer will go through up until the checkout—like search and filter features and more. Products or services should be presented clearly; the goal is to provide a seamless shopping experience.

The second area that requires a rating system is your marketing content like calls to action, aesthetics, blogs, and so on. A functional website isn’t all that valuable without effective marketing content. So, make sure to rate how well your copy and visuals work regularly. Monitor how the content performs and adjust accordingly.

2. Test Desktop and Mobile Device Performance

eCommerce web design should be uniform and consistent across all devices. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to look and function the same on every device. It just means that if your website provides a top-tier user experience, the same should be valid for your mobile apps, mobile websites, tablet website, and more. 

Spend time a few minutes every day or at least every other day to navigate your website and see how well it works. This is a straightforward and costless way to check whether your website is functioning correctly. This is a practice that can help you catch problems before it gets worse. Remember the rating system you’ve put in place whenever you test your website.

3. Use Spreadsheets for Reference

You’re going to need spreadsheets—a lot of them. Being thorough and organized is essential for keeping track of your website’s progress. By using spreadsheets, it will make future evaluations much easier to understand and follow. You’re going to need to look at this data more than once, so it’ll be good to have it on hand for reference.

The Bottom Line

In the world of eCommerce, your website is one of the most critical aspects of the business. Millions of merchants have found their footing selling various products and services through the internet. Think of your eCommerce website as a physical storefront. 

Creating compelling eCommerce web design is the key to dominating this increasingly online-dependent market. As sellers and providers of various products and services, your website serves as your brand’s ultimate destination and the best place for users to experience your brand. 

If you are looking for efficient ways to grow your business, we can help you. Nahr Development is an eCommerce web development agency based in Cairo, Egypt. We offer a wide range of digital marketing services, including web development, design, mobile app development, and more. Our ultimate goal is to help clients achieve their goals through practical solutions. Contact us today to learn more about our work and how we can help you!

Nahr Dev
Nahr Dev