
4 Essential Things your E-Commerce Website Should Highlight

At present, plenty of businesses are moving online and starting e-commerce platforms to reach more customers and make more sales. If you’ve been relying on a brick-and-mortar shop for years and you want to get with the times, it will help to start an online business now more than ever.

Building your digital presence will take some time to work because, at this point, most of your competitors have already thought about it and went ahead to develop their online reach. However, it isn’t too late yet, so long as you incorporate effective internet marketing strategies.

You don’t have to struggle to learn everything yourself. You can hire a digital marketing agency to give you a hand and look after your website while you focus on growing your business. Keep reading below to find out important factors your e-commerce website should have to ensure you achieve your goals and make your move to the digital world worthwhile.

It Should Have Robust Security

The security of your website and your customers’ information must be your primary concern at all times. Since buyers will give out their contact and credit card details every time they seek your products or services, you have to guarantee that your platform is secure and won’t put their data at risk.

But when they find out your website isn’t well-protected, you could lose your credibility and customers. Even before you begin accepting clients for your e-commerce website, you should display outstanding site security to avoid encountering problems along the way.

It Should Be User-Friendly

When it comes to websites, you can’t expect all your visitors to understand how to navigate a platform, especially if they feature complicated web design. You must make it easier for them to go through your web pages without struggling to find what it is they need, such as checking out your products or services and going straight to your Call to Action.

If they already know what they want to buy from you, the journey to acquiring it shouldn’t be so hard. Instead, it’s your mission to make it a convenient, straightforward, hassle-free, and seamless experience. To start, avoid adding distracting pop-ups and links, and misplaced buttons.

It Should Contain Customer Reviews

At this point, you should note that every user online will always take time to read reviews and feedback from other customers before purchasing a product or service. It’s one way for them to determine a brand’s offer isn’t fake and is actually authentic and worth buying.

If you’ve had several customers in the past, you could reach out to them to ask for testimonials and display them on your site with the help of a web design agency. Setting up a Google business account lets you acquire reviews without always requiring messaging your customers to talk about their experience with your products.

It Should Provide a Live Chat Feature

There’s nothing shoppers love more than acquiring something instantly, including getting answers to their queries each time they reach out to a brand they want to support. One method to improve your connection with your prospects is to provide a live chat option on your site.

If you’re offering products or services you can personalize according to your customers’ needs, it’s all the more necessary to put up a chatbot to meet their demands. A web development agency can help you set up a live chat feature to offer users quick response rates and keeps them from losing their patience and moving on to your competitor. 


If your business is new to the online world, it will take some time for your e-commerce website to attract the audience you want. However, if you make an effort to provide robust security, user-friendly web design, credible customer reviews, and a live chat feature, you’re well on your way towards making a name for yourself online.  

Are you looking to hire the best e-commerce web development agency in Egypt for your business? Nahr Development delivers quality web design, mobile application development, and custom digital marketing solutions. Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation!

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Nahr Dev